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You will receive a large number of torrents as search results, bigger than on any other torrent site or torrent search engine. If you cannot find any torrent in popular services, this is the best place for you, because you can find any torrent here. Just use this search engine and you will find what you want. - You don't need to visit a dozen of sites to find the file that you are looking for, you can save your time. Point for Google custom search project. - You won't see as many pop ads as before. Thanks to this search engine you will receive a list of live torrents, click the one search result to visit the popular torrent site and download magnet link.
Instead of visiting many torrent sites and seeing a variety of ads, you will visit only one website with updated and working torrent. - If you're an owner of any torrent site, you can contact me and send me a link to your service. It only means that this search engine will just show results from your website and my visitors can also visit your website. In short, this is like a free traffic generator. As I said, the engine is powered by Google Custom Search, but why this service is much better to find torrents than the normal Google search? Search Engine which you're using every day, usually shows only 1-2 results from every website.
Sometimes on one popular site there are 10-20 results for searching phrase and they are indexed, but Google still shows only one result. Let's think about it, what if this result is outdated and this torrent doesn't exist?
For example, a site offers 10 working torrents and 3 outdated, but you see only one of these non-working links in Google. They are old and indexed so Google shows them, new and fresh torrents might be invisible for you even if they are also indexed.
Another problem is sometimes in Google search results you can see links to completely unknown sites without torrents, because they include searched phrase and that's the reason why Google shows them. shows results only from torrent sites, so there is no way to receive poor results or links to pages without torrents.